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  • Review ArticleMay 31, 2024

    0 1181 284

    Electroacupuncture Treatment for Post-Stroke Foot Drop: A Systemic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

    Hye Jeong Jo , Go Eun Chae , Hyun Woo Kim , Young Jin Lee , Ahra Koh , Ji Eun Choi , So Jung Kim , Woo Young Kim

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 75-86

    Abstract : A review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using electroacupuncture (EA) to treat patients with foot drop was performed to analyze the effectiveness of EA for this condition. Relevant studies (n = 183) from 7 databases (Cochrane Library, Excerpta Medica Database, PubMed, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Korean Studies Information Service System, Research Information Sharing Service, and Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System) were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and 12 RCTs met the selection criteria. In all 12 studies, EA showed significantly positive changes. In most indicators, positive changes were observed in the EA group compared with that in the control group. Significant increases were confirmed in muscle strength-related indicators such as the Fugl–Meyer motor scale, surface electromyography, active range of motion, and gait-related indicators such as the Tinetti score, maximum walking speed, and Berg balance scale. No notable adverse events were reported. EA is suggested as an effective treatment for post-stroke foot drop; however, more RCTs are required.

  • Review ArticleMay 31, 2024

    0 506 231

    Acupotomy for Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome: A Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

    Hye Min Kim , Jae Soo Kim , Hyun Jong Lee , Jung Hee Lee , Sung Chul Lim , Yun Kyu Lee

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 87-95

    Abstract : This review aims to analyze the efficacy of acupotomy in treating superior cluneal nerve entrapment syndrome (SCNES) by summarizing the findings of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The RCTs were retrieved from seven databases (i.e., the Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Korean Studies Information Service System, Research Information Service System, and Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System). Seven RCTs were selected for this review. The results indicate that acupotomy is promising for providing significant pain relief and improving function in patients with SCNES. However, more high-quality RCTs are required to establish the long-term effectiveness and safety of acupotomy. This review provides valuable insights for clinicians and researchers in the management of SCNES.

  • Review ArticleMay 31, 2024

    0 714 253

    Analysis of Recent Research Trends in Thread Embedding Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

    Yae Gi Min , Hyang Gi Lim , Hyun Jong Lee , Jung Hee Lee , Sung Chul Lim , Yun Kyu Lee , Jae Soo Kim

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 96-106

    Abstract : This study aimed to provide the basis of treatment effects by analyzing randomized control trials (RCTs) on the use of thread embedding acupuncture (TEA) for low back pain that were published between February 2018 and July 2023. In total, 2,865 articles were retrieved from international and Korean databases. Nine of these articles were selected and evaluated based on the following categories: (1) year of publication, (2) type of disease, (3) sample size, (4) treatment interventions, (5) treatment frequency and duration, (6) insertion point and depth of thread embedding, (7) types and sizes of threads and needles, (8) evaluation indexes, (9) treatment outcomes, and (10) side effects. The risk of bias in RCTs was also assessed. This study also emphasizes the importance of further research on TEA for clinical treatment and the use of objective approaches. Furthermore, detailed method descriptions and results are important in determining the efficacy of TEA.

  • Original ArticleMay 31, 2024

    0 438 245

    Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmacopuncture Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Study Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

    Youn Young Choi , Hwa Yeon Ryu , Jae Hui Kang , Hyun Lee

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 107-114

    Abstract : Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a common musculoskeletal disorder worldwide, with a lifetime prevalence of up to 80%. Among nonsurgical treatments for chronic LBP, Korean medicine treatments are highly preferred, and pharmacopuncture therapy combining acupuncture and herbal medicine is widely used. However, no evidence-based study has focused on the use of various types of pharmacopuncture.
    Methods: The pragmatic randomized controlled clinical trial will include 44 participants; recruitment will start in July 2023. All participants will receive integrated Korean medicine treatment including acupuncture, cupping, and infrared therapy, and the intervention group will also receive pharmacopuncture. After 16 treatment sessions, twice a week for 8 weeks, follow-up assessments will be performed at week 9. As a pragmatic randomized controlled clinical protocol, the type, dose, and acupoints of acupuncture and pharmacopuncture are not determined in advance but are selected and recorded according to the clinical judgment of the Korean medicine doctor.
    Results: The primary outcome will be measured using a visual analog scale score, and the secondary outcomes include the Oswestry disability index, patient global impression of change, no worse than mild pain, and range of motion. Safety will be assessed by examining participants’ self-reported adverse events and vital signs and conducting blood tests before and after the test.
    Conclusion: This study aims to provide clinical evidence of the effectiveness and safety of pharmacopuncture for chronic LBP.

  • Original ArticleMay 31, 2024

    0 629 167

    Efficacy of Needling at Sympathetic Point (an Auricular Acupuncture Point) in Migraine Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study

    O. Deepika , A. Mooventhan , N. Mangaiarkarasi , N. Manavalan

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 115-120

    Abstract : Background: Migraine is a common disabling headache that affects every aspect of a person’s life. Auricular acupuncture is a cost-effective treatment modality for the management of painful neurological conditions. Previous studies have shown the beneficial effects of a combination of ear points in the management of migraines. However, no studies have evaluated the efficacy of a single auricular point (i.e., sympathetic point) in migraine. Thus, this study evaluated the efficacy of sympathetic points on pain intensity and depression levels in patients with migraine.
    Methods: In this randomized controlled study, 100 patients with migraine aged 18–45 years were randomly divided into either an auricular acupuncture group (AAG) (n = 50) or a placebo control group (PCG) (n = 50). The AAG underwent needling at the sympathetic point (an auricular acupuncture point), whereas the PCG underwent needling at a non-acupuncture point for 20 minutes daily for 7 days. Assessments were performed before and after the intervention using a 6-item headache impact test (HIT-6) and Beck depression inventory (BDI) scale. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.
    Results: In within-group analysis, the AAG showed a significant reduction in HIT-6 and BDI, whereas the PCG showed a significant increase in HIT-6 and a significant reduction in BDI. In between-groups analyses, HIT-6 reduced significantly in the AAG compared with that in the PCG, whereas BDI reduced significantly in the PCG compared with that in the AAG.
    Conclusion: In patients with migraine, needling at the sympathetic point produces a greater reduction in the pain intensity level and lesser reduction in the depression level compared to needling at a non-acupuncture point.

  • Case ReportMay 31, 2024

    0 649 144

    Improvement of Facial Paralysis after Parotidectomy with Integrated Korean Medicine Treatment: A Case Report

    Choong Hyun Han , Young Han Nam , Young Kyung Kim , Youn Young Choi , Eun Sol Won , Hwa Yeon Ryu , Jae Hui Kang , Hyun Lee

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 121-128

    Abstract : This study presents a case of facial nerve injury that occurred after parotidectomy for a benign tumor of the parotid gland that improved with integrated Korean medicine (IKM). On June 24, 2023, the patient presented with facial nerve injury based on a facial nerve conduction study after parotidectomy, with a score of five on Yanagihara’s unweighted grading system (Y-system) and a grade of five on the House–Brackmann facial grading scale (H–B scale). During the 15 days of admission, IKM treatments, including acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, moxibustion, herbal steam therapy, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, and thread embedding acupuncture treatment, were performed. After treatment, the strength of the orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, and masticatory muscles improved, with a Y-system score of 17 and an H–B scale of III. In conclusion, the findings of this study confirm the applicability and effectiveness of IKM in the treatment of facial paralysis following parotidectomy.

  • Case ReportMay 31, 2024

    0 620 142

    Effects of Electromagnetic Acupuncture Combined with Integrative Korean Medicine Treatment on Pain and Dysfunction in a Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Case Report

    Jihun Kim , Taewook Lee , Sookwang An , Geun Hyeong An, Yoona Oh , Gi Young Yang

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 129-134

    Abstract : Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a prevalent degenerative joint disease causing significant pain and dysfunction. This case report presents the use of electromagnetic acupuncture utilizing a Whata 153 device generating a magnetic field to enhance acupuncture stimulation for the treatment of KOA. A 69-year-old female diagnosed with KOA experienced a reduction in pain (numerical rating scale score from 7 to 4), improved gait, and decreased stiffness and swelling after daily electromagnetic acupuncture treatments during hospitalization. In addition, the Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scoreimproved from 20 to 14, and the patient rated her overall improvement as “significantly improved” on the patient’s global impression of change scale. Although these findings suggest potential benefits of electromagnetic acupuncture for KOA, the case report design limits its generalizability. More controlled trials are warranted to confirm the efficacy and safety of electromagnetic acupuncture as a treatment of KOA.

  • Short CommunicationMay 31, 2024

    1 617 175

    Performing Ultrasound-Guided Pharmacopuncture and Acupotomy for Nerve Entrapment in the Upper Extremity: A Guide for Teaching Procedural Skills

    Taeseong Jeong , Eunbyul Cho , Sungha Kim , Seunghyun Oh , Suhak Kim , Jeongsu Park , Sungchul Kim

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 135-141

    Abstract : The use of ultrasound (US)-guided interventions has rapidly increased in Korean medicine (KM) to ensure the safety and accuracy of invasive procedures, such as pharmacopuncture and acupotomy. Although hands-on training is important for the acquisition of skills, it requires considerable time and cost. A detailed guide on the procedure and treatment regions is needed to ensure hygiene and safety during US-guided procedures in KM practice. In this study, we present the overall procedure, target structures, and treatment approaches of US-guided pharmacopuncture and acupotomy for nerve entrapment in the upper extremities of the cubital and radial tunnel, posterior interosseous nerve, carpal tunnel, and Guyon’s canal syndrome. We believe that the findings of our study will serve as a foundation for future clinical research, practice, and education on US-guided KM procedures. Further research involving US-guided interventions should specify target structures in three-dimension to delineate the treatment areas.

  • CorrigendumMay 31, 2024

    0 188 89

    Corrigendum to “Occurred Facial Pain during Acupotomy at a Site 5 pun Left of GV16: A Case Report” [J Acupunct Res 2024;41(1):69-73]

    Eun Ju Lee, Tae Kyung Kim, Chang Min Shin, Jong Cheol Seo, Seo Hwi Kim, Si Yong Cho, Hyun Min Yoon, Cheol Hong Kim

    Journal of Acupuncture Research 2024; 41(2): 142-142
Jan 07, 2025 Vol.42 No., pp. 1~130


Journal of Acupuncture Research

pISSN 2586-288X
eISSN 2586-2898
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